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See our photo albums
  First summer...

2003 ...



2006 - K1 race and Fall Sculling Clinic


Fall 2009 Sculling Clinic





Spring 2018.  

The boat yard is open and supervised from 8 am to noon most Saturdays.  Impove your rowing, row with a team, or learn to paddle or kayak.

 Spring 2006...

Summer 2006...

Fall 2006...

Summer 2007...

Summer 2008...


Spring 2009...



what's new


Summer 2018.  

We're open on Saturdays, 8 am for adult instruction and supervised junior use.


2016: Nice article by Lily Barry in Record-Bee:




Clear Lake identified as top place to retire and row:

Rowers Almanac


Click on upper NAVbar that says “Best Places to Retire & Row”




Summer 2018  Schedule .






Saturdays, June 30 and

July 7, 2018


8:00 am to noon

 Learn To Row Day


Learn To Row Day Printable


Adult Sweep Rowing Camp



Adult Sweep Rowing Camp (Printable)




Youth  Rowing, Paddling and Water Safety Camp



Youth  Rowing, Paddling and Water Safety Camp (Printable)




 High School Rowing  Camp



High School Rowing Camp (Printable)




Contact CLS





Message Board


Join our Google







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Clear Lake Scullers is a community based rowing club offering access to rowing and paddling equipment and instruction. Membership is open to the public and there are programs for youth and adults year around. The goal of Clear Lake Scullers is to provide broad access to the wonderful asset that is Clear Lake, expose people to a wide variety of aquatic sports with emphasis on safety and competence, as well as teaching the skills necessary for athletes to train and race at the collegiate, masters, or national level. The club is located in the City of Lakeport at the site of Natural High School on Main Street just north of Library Park. Currently, the club is a fenced in yard, but we hope to soon erect a new boathouse.

Come be a part of Clear Lake's first aquatic program!

Mike Sullivan